naruhodo.core.DependencyCoreJa module
import networkx as nx from naruhodo.utils.dicts import NEList, MeaninglessDict from naruhodo.utils.communication import Subprocess from naruhodo.backends.cabocha import CabochaClient from naruhodo.utils.misc import _re2, _re4, preprocessText class DependencyCoreJa(object): """Analyze the input text and store the information into a dependency structure graph(DSG).""" def __init__(self): """Initialize an analyzer for DSG.""" self.G = nx.DiGraph() """ Graph object of this analyzer. It is actually a networkx directed graph object(DiGraph), so you can apply all operations available to DiGraph object using networkx. """ self.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] """ List of entities appeared during this analysis round. """ self.proList = list() """ List of pronouns appeared during this analysis round. """ self.pos = 0 """ Current position of the analyzer. """ self.proc = Subprocess('cabocha -f1') """ Communicator to backend for DependencyAnalyzer. """ def add(self, inp, pos): """Take in a string input and add it to the DSG.""" cabo = CabochaClient() self.pos = pos cabo.add(self.proc.query(inp), self.pos) root = "" # Initialize root id. for chunk in cabo.chunks: self._addNode(chunk) if chunk.parent == -1: root = chunk.main for chunk in cabo.chunks: self._addEdge(chunk.main, cabo.chunks[chunk.parent].main, label=chunk.func) # Add depth attribute to newly added nodes. if root: for chunk in cabo.chunks: if 'depth' in self.G.nodes[chunk.main]: self.G.nodes[chunk.main]['depth'].append(nx.shortest_path_length(self.G, source=chunk.main, target=root)) else: self.G.nodes[chunk.main]['depth'] = [nx.shortest_path_length(self.G, source=chunk.main, target=root)] def _addEdge(self, parent, child, label="", etype="none"): """Add edge to edge list""" if self.G.has_edge(parent, child): if parent not in MeaninglessDict and child not in MeaninglessDict: self.G.edges[parent, child]['weight'] +=1 else: self.G.edges[parent, child]['weight'] == 1 else: if label == "": label = " " # Assign a space to empty label to avoid problem in certain javascript libraries. self.G.add_edge(parent, child, weight=1, label=label, type=etype) def _addNode(self, node, sub=''): """Add node to node list""" # node.main = preprocessText(node.main) # Get rep. rep = _re2.sub("", node.main) rep = _re4.sub("", rep) # Add to proList. if != -1: proid = node.npro self.proList.append(dict( id = proid, name = node.main, rep = rep, type =, pos = self.pos )) # Add to entityList. elif node.type == 0: if node.main in self.entityList[node.NE] and self.pos not in self.entityList[node.NE][node.main]: self.entityList[node.NE][node.main].append(self.pos) else: self.entityList[node.NE][node.main] = [self.pos] # Add to graph. if self.G.has_node(node.main): if self.pos in self.G.nodes[node.main]['pos'] and == self.G.nodes[node.main]['lpos'][self.G.nodes[node.main]['pos'].index(self.pos)]: return self.G.nodes[node.main]['pos'].append(self.pos) self.G.nodes[node.main]['func'].append(node.func) self.G.nodes[node.main]['lpos'].append( self.G.nodes[node.main]['surface'].append(node.surface) self.G.nodes[node.main]['yomi'].append(node.yomi) self.G.nodes[node.main]['count'] += 1 else: self.G.add_node(node.main, count = 1, pos = [self.pos], lpos = [], func = [node.func], surface = [node.surface], yomi = [node.yomi], type = node.type, type2 = node.type2, label = rep, pro =, NE = node.NE, sub = sub, meaning = node.meaning, negative = node.negative, question = node.question, passive = node.passive, compulsory = node.compulsory, tense = node.tense)
Module variables
var MeaninglessDict
var NEList
class DependencyCoreJa
Analyze the input text and store the information into a dependency structure graph(DSG).
class DependencyCoreJa(object): """Analyze the input text and store the information into a dependency structure graph(DSG).""" def __init__(self): """Initialize an analyzer for DSG.""" self.G = nx.DiGraph() """ Graph object of this analyzer. It is actually a networkx directed graph object(DiGraph), so you can apply all operations available to DiGraph object using networkx. """ self.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] """ List of entities appeared during this analysis round. """ self.proList = list() """ List of pronouns appeared during this analysis round. """ self.pos = 0 """ Current position of the analyzer. """ self.proc = Subprocess('cabocha -f1') """ Communicator to backend for DependencyAnalyzer. """ def add(self, inp, pos): """Take in a string input and add it to the DSG.""" cabo = CabochaClient() self.pos = pos cabo.add(self.proc.query(inp), self.pos) root = "" # Initialize root id. for chunk in cabo.chunks: self._addNode(chunk) if chunk.parent == -1: root = chunk.main for chunk in cabo.chunks: self._addEdge(chunk.main, cabo.chunks[chunk.parent].main, label=chunk.func) # Add depth attribute to newly added nodes. if root: for chunk in cabo.chunks: if 'depth' in self.G.nodes[chunk.main]: self.G.nodes[chunk.main]['depth'].append(nx.shortest_path_length(self.G, source=chunk.main, target=root)) else: self.G.nodes[chunk.main]['depth'] = [nx.shortest_path_length(self.G, source=chunk.main, target=root)] def _addEdge(self, parent, child, label="", etype="none"): """Add edge to edge list""" if self.G.has_edge(parent, child): if parent not in MeaninglessDict and child not in MeaninglessDict: self.G.edges[parent, child]['weight'] +=1 else: self.G.edges[parent, child]['weight'] == 1 else: if label == "": label = " " # Assign a space to empty label to avoid problem in certain javascript libraries. self.G.add_edge(parent, child, weight=1, label=label, type=etype) def _addNode(self, node, sub=''): """Add node to node list""" # node.main = preprocessText(node.main) # Get rep. rep = _re2.sub("", node.main) rep = _re4.sub("", rep) # Add to proList. if != -1: proid = node.npro self.proList.append(dict( id = proid, name = node.main, rep = rep, type =, pos = self.pos )) # Add to entityList. elif node.type == 0: if node.main in self.entityList[node.NE] and self.pos not in self.entityList[node.NE][node.main]: self.entityList[node.NE][node.main].append(self.pos) else: self.entityList[node.NE][node.main] = [self.pos] # Add to graph. if self.G.has_node(node.main): if self.pos in self.G.nodes[node.main]['pos'] and == self.G.nodes[node.main]['lpos'][self.G.nodes[node.main]['pos'].index(self.pos)]: return self.G.nodes[node.main]['pos'].append(self.pos) self.G.nodes[node.main]['func'].append(node.func) self.G.nodes[node.main]['lpos'].append( self.G.nodes[node.main]['surface'].append(node.surface) self.G.nodes[node.main]['yomi'].append(node.yomi) self.G.nodes[node.main]['count'] += 1 else: self.G.add_node(node.main, count = 1, pos = [self.pos], lpos = [], func = [node.func], surface = [node.surface], yomi = [node.yomi], type = node.type, type2 = node.type2, label = rep, pro =, NE = node.NE, sub = sub, meaning = node.meaning, negative = node.negative, question = node.question, passive = node.passive, compulsory = node.compulsory, tense = node.tense)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- DependencyCoreJa
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
Initialize an analyzer for DSG.
def __init__(self): """Initialize an analyzer for DSG.""" self.G = nx.DiGraph() """ Graph object of this analyzer. It is actually a networkx directed graph object(DiGraph), so you can apply all operations available to DiGraph object using networkx. """ self.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] """ List of entities appeared during this analysis round. """ self.proList = list() """ List of pronouns appeared during this analysis round. """ self.pos = 0 """ Current position of the analyzer. """ self.proc = Subprocess('cabocha -f1') """ Communicator to backend for DependencyAnalyzer. """
def add(
self, inp, pos)
Take in a string input and add it to the DSG.
def add(self, inp, pos): """Take in a string input and add it to the DSG.""" cabo = CabochaClient() self.pos = pos cabo.add(self.proc.query(inp), self.pos) root = "" # Initialize root id. for chunk in cabo.chunks: self._addNode(chunk) if chunk.parent == -1: root = chunk.main for chunk in cabo.chunks: self._addEdge(chunk.main, cabo.chunks[chunk.parent].main, label=chunk.func) # Add depth attribute to newly added nodes. if root: for chunk in cabo.chunks: if 'depth' in self.G.nodes[chunk.main]: self.G.nodes[chunk.main]['depth'].append(nx.shortest_path_length(self.G, source=chunk.main, target=root)) else: self.G.nodes[chunk.main]['depth'] = [nx.shortest_path_length(self.G, source=chunk.main, target=root)]
Instance variables
var G
Graph object of this analyzer. It is actually a networkx directed graph object(DiGraph), so you can apply all operations available to DiGraph object using networkx.
var entityList
List of entities appeared during this analysis round.
var pos
Current position of the analyzer.
var proList
List of pronouns appeared during this analysis round.
var proc
Communicator to backend for DependencyAnalyzer.