naruhodo.core.parser module
import re import itertools from multiprocessing import Pool import networkx as nx from nxpd import draw from naruhodo.utils.scraper import NScraper from naruhodo.utils.dicts import NEList from naruhodo.utils.misc import exportToJsonObj, exportToJsonFile from naruhodo.utils.misc import inclusive, harmonicSim, cosSimilarity, show, plotToFile, preprocessText, parseToSents from naruhodo.utils.misc import _mergeGraph, _mergeEntityList, _mergeProList, _mergeAll from naruhodo.core.DependencyCoreJa import DependencyCoreJa from naruhodo.core.KnowledgeCoreJa import KnowledgeCoreJa class parser(object): """The general parser for naruhodo.""" def __init__(self, lang="ja", gtype="k", mp=False, nproc=0, wv="", coref=False, synonym=False, autosub=False): """Constructor.""" self.G = nx.DiGraph() """ Graph object of the parser. It is actually a networkx directed graph object(DiGraph), so you can apply all operations available to DiGraph object using networkx. """ self.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] """ List of entities appeared during this analysis. """ self.proList = list() """ List of pronouns appeared during this analysis. """ self.pos = 0 """ Position of sentences added to the parser. """ self.lang = lang """ Chosen language of the parser. ============================== 'ja': Japanese 'en': English(WIP) """ self.gtype = gtype """ Chosen graph type of the parser. ================================ 'd': dependency structure graph(DSG) 'k': knowledge structure graph(KSG) """ = mp """ Use multiprocessing or not for parsing. """ self.coref = coref """ If set to True, automatically resolve coreferences after adding contexts. """ self.synonym = synonym """ If set to True, automatically resolve synonyms after adding contexts. """ self.autosub = autosub """ If set to True, automatically link potential subject to none-subject predicates in the same sentence. """ self.corefDict = set() """ A set that contains all possible antecedents of pronoun coreferences. """ self.coref_1stPerson = set() self.coref_3rdPersonM = set() self.coref_3rdPersonF = set() """ Sets of individual coref types. Used for distinguishing existing antecedents. """ self.synonymDict = set() """ A set that contains all roots(the shortest) of synonyms. """ self._setCore() if mp: if nproc == 0: self.pool = Pool() else: self.pool = Pool(processes=nproc) # load word vectors self.wv = None """ The word vector dictionary loaded from external model files. """ if wv != "": try: from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec self.wv = Word2Vec.load(wv).wv print("Successfully loaded word vectors from given file: {0}.".format(wv)) except ImportError: print("Failed to import gensim, please install it before trying to use word vector related functionalities.") def change(self, lang, gtype): """Change the language and type of the parser.""" self.lang = lang self.gtype = gtype self._setCore() def _setCore(self): """Set the core of the parser to chosen languange ang gtype.""" if self.lang == "ja": if self.gtype == "d": self.core = DependencyCoreJa() elif self.gtype == "k": self.core = KnowledgeCoreJa(autosub=self.autosub) else: raise ValueError("Unknown graph type: {0}".format(self.gtype)) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported language: {0}".format(self.lang)) def _grabTextFromUrls(self, urls): """Parse given url(or a list of urls) and return the text content of the it.""" # Handle the single url case. if isinstance(urls, str): urls = [urls] # Initialize scraper. scpr = NScraper() ret = list() # loop through urls to extract text. for url in urls: text = scpr.getUrlContent(url) for block in text: for line in block.splitlines(): ret = list(itertools.chain(ret, parseToSents(line))) return ret def reset(self): """Reset the content of generated graph to empty.""" self.G.clear() self.pos = 0 self.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] self.posEntityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] self.proList = list() self.corefDict = set() self.synonymDict = set() def exportObj(self): """Export graph to a JSON-like object for external visualization.""" return exportToJsonObj(self.G) def exportJSON(self, filename): """Export current graph to a JSON file on disk.""" exportToJsonFile(self.G, filename) def _path2Graph(self, path): """ Generate a subgraph from the given path. """ G = nx.DiGraph() for i in range(len(path)): if self.G.has_node(path[i]): G.add_node(path[i], **self.G.nodes[path[i]]) # Add given edges try: G.add_node(path[i+1], **self.G.nodes[path[i]]) G.add_edge(path[i], path[i+1], **self.G.edges[path[i], path[i+1]]) except: pass # Add predecessors and successors(KSG only) if self.gtype != "k": continue for pred in self.G.predecessors(path[i]): if self.G.edges[pred, path[i]]['type'] in ['sub', 'aux', 'cause']: G.add_node(pred, **self.G.nodes[pred]) G.add_edge(pred, path[i], **self.G.edges[pred, path[i]]) for succ in self.G.successors(path[i]): if self.G.edges[path[i], succ]['type'] in ['obj', 'stat', 'attr']: G.add_node(succ, **self.G.nodes[succ]) G.add_edge(path[i], succ, **self.G.edges[path[i], succ]) else: print("'{0}' is not in generated graph!".format(path[i])) return G @staticmethod def _graph2Text(G): """ Convert given semantic graph back to texts. """ # Get distribution of sent positions in the graph as a dict. pdict = dict() for node in G.nodes: for pos in G.nodes[node]['pos']: try: pdict[pos] += 1 except KeyError: pdict[pos] = 1 # Sort dpos and get rid of sent positions that appeared only once. plist = sorted([pos for pos in pdict.keys() if pdict[pos] > 1]) tdict = dict() # Get texts based on sent positions. for node in G.nodes: for i in range(len(G.nodes[node]['pos'])): if G.nodes[node]['pos'][i] in plist: try: tdict[G.nodes[node]['pos'][i]].append((G.nodes[node]['lpos'][i], G.nodes[node]['surface'][i])) except KeyError: tdict[G.nodes[node]['pos'][i]] = [(G.nodes[node]['lpos'][i], G.nodes[node]['surface'][i])] # Generate text based on local positions. ret = list() for key, val in tdict.items(): raw = sorted(val, key=lambda x:x[0]) ret.append([key, "".join([item[1] for item in raw])]) return sorted(ret, key=lambda x:x[0]) def toText(self, path=None): """ If path is given, generate texts from the given path. Otherwise, generate texts using the entire graph. """ if path: return self._graph2Text(self._path2Graph(path)) else: return self._graph2Text(self.G) def show(self, path=None, depth=False, rankdir='TB'): """ If given a path, plot the subgraph generated from path. Otherwise, plot the entire graph. """ # Sanity check for depth if depth and self.gtype != "d": print("Only dependency structure graph can be plotted with depth!") return if path: return show(self._path2Graph(path), depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir) else: return show(self.G, depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir) def plotToFile(self, path=None, filename=None, depth=False, rankdir='TB'): """ If given a path, plot the subgraph generated from path to (png) file with given filename. Otherwise, plot the entire graph to (png) file with given filename. """ if path: return plotToFile(self._path2Graph(path), filename, depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir) else: return plotToFile(self.G, filename, depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir) def addUrls(self, urls): """Add the information from given urls to KSG.""" context = self._grabTextFromUrls(urls) self.addAll(context) return [preprocessText(item) for item in context] def add(self, inp): """Add a sentence to graph.""" inp = preprocessText(inp) if inp == "": return [inp] self.core.add(inp, self.pos) self.pos += 1 self.G = _mergeGraph(self.G, self.core.G) self.core.G.clear() self.entityList = _mergeEntityList(self.entityList, self.core.entityList) self.core.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] self.proList = _mergeProList(self.proList, self.core.proList) self.core.proList = list() flatEntityList = None if self.synonym: flatEntityList = self.resolveSynonym() if self.coref: self.resolveCoref(flatEntityList) return [inp] def addAll(self, inps): """Add a list of sentences at once.""" if self._addAllMP(inps) else: self._addAllSP(inps) flatEntityList = None if self.synonym: flatEntityList = self.resolveSynonym() if self.coref: self.resolveCoref(flatEntityList) def _addAllSP(self, inps): """Standard implementation of addAll function.""" for inp in inps: self.add(inp) # inp = preprocessText(inp) # if inp == "": # continue # self.core.add(inp, self.pos) # self.pos += 1 # self.G = _mergeGraph(self.G, self.core.G) # self.core.G.clear() # self.entityList = _mergeEntityList(self.entityList, self.core.entityList) # self.core.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] # self.proList = _mergeProList(self.proList, self.core.proList) # self.core.proList = list() def _addAllMP(self, inps): """Parallel implementation of addAll function.""" if self.lang == "ja": if self.gtype == "d": inps = [[self.pos + x, preprocessText(inps[x])] for x in range(len(inps))] results = self.pool.starmap(self._addMP_ja_d, inps) elif self.gtype == "k": inps = [[self.pos + x, preprocessText(inps[x]), self.autosub] for x in range(len(inps))] results = self.pool.starmap(self._addMP_ja_k, inps) else: raise ValueError("Unknown graph type: {0}".format(self.gtype)) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported language: {0}".format(self.lang)) self.pos += len(inps) final = self._reduce(results) self.G = _mergeGraph(self.G, final[0]) self.entityList = _mergeEntityList(self.entityList, final[1]) self.proList = _mergeProList(self.proList, final[2]) def _reduce(self, results): """Reduce the results from multiprocessing to final result.""" args = list() if len(results) == 1: return results[0] if len(results) == 2: return _mergeAll(*results) elif len(results) % 2 == 0: for i in range(int(len(results) / 2)): args.append([results[i * 2], results[i * 2 + 1]]) ret = self.pool.starmap(_mergeAll, args) return self._reduce(ret) else: for i in range(int((len(results) - 1) / 2)): args.append([results[i * 2], results[i * 2 + 1]]) ret = self.pool.starmap(_mergeAll, args) ret.append(results[-1]) return self._reduce(ret) def resolveSynonym(self): """Resolve synonyms in the given text.""" # initialize a graph of synonym GS = nx.Graph() # Get flatten entity list flatEntityList = list() # Add person and organization to flatEntityList for i in [1, 3]: for key in self.entityList[i].keys(): flatEntityList.append(key) # Find syntatic synonyms for i in range(len(flatEntityList)): for j in range(i + 1, len(flatEntityList)): A = preprocessText(flatEntityList[i]) B = preprocessText(flatEntityList[j]) inc = inclusive(A, B) if not self.wv: sim = 1. print("Word vector model is not set correctly. Skipping part of coreference resolution.") else: if A in self.wv and B in self.wv: sim = cosSimilarity(self.wv[A], self.wv[B]) else: sim = 1. if inc == 1 and sim > 0.5: # self.G.nodes[flatEntityList[i]]['count'] += 1 GS.add_edge(flatEntityList[i], flatEntityList[j]) self.G.add_edge(flatEntityList[i], flatEntityList[j], weight=1, label="同義語候補", type="synonym") elif inc == -1 and sim > 0.5: # self.G.nodes[flatEntityList[j]]['count'] += 1 GS.add_edge(flatEntityList[i], flatEntityList[j]) self.G.add_edge(flatEntityList[j], flatEntityList[i], weight=1, label="同義語候補", type="synonym") # Process GS for subG in nx.connected_components(GS): lshort = 10000 nshort = "" for node in subG: if lshort > len(node): lshort = len(node) nshort = node self.synonymDict.add(nshort) for node in subG: self.G.nodes[node]['synonym'] = nshort return flatEntityList def resolveCoref(self, flatEntityList=None): """Resolve coreferences in the given text.""" # Get position-based entity list self.posEntityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] for i in range(len(NEList)): for key, val in self.entityList[i].items(): for pos in val: if pos in self.posEntityList[i]: self.posEntityList[i][pos].append(key) else: self.posEntityList[i][pos] = list([key]) # Resolve geolocations/persons while self.proList: pro = self.proList.pop(0) antecedent = "" if pro['type'] == 0: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 2) elif pro['type'] == 2: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 1, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "": antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 5, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[1]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[1][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[5]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[5][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent != "": self.coref_1stPerson.add(antecedent) elif pro['type'] == 4: if pro['name'] in ['彼女']: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 1, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "": antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 5, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[1]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[1][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[5]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[5][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent != "": self.coref_3rdPersonF.add(antecedent) else: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 1, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF)) if antecedent == "": antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 5, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF)) if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[1]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[1][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF): antecedent = x if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[5]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[5][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF): antecedent = x if antecedent != "": self.coref_3rdPersonM.add(antecedent) elif pro['type'] == 7: if not self.wv or not flatEntityList: print("Word vector model is not set correctly or entity list is empty. Skipping part of coreference resolution.") continue else: antecedent = self._wvResolve(pro['name'], flatEntityList) else: continue # Process antecedent if antecedent != "": self.G.nodes[antecedent]['count'] += 1 self.G.add_edge(antecedent, pro['name'], weight=1, label="共参照候補", type="coref") else: # Add unknown coref antecedent = "未知の主体" if not self.G.has_node(antecedent): self.G.add_node(antecedent, count = 1, func = "(未知)", type = 0, label = antecedent, pro = -1, NE = 0, pos = [self.pos - 1], surface = [antecedent], sub = "", meaning = "") else: self.G.nodes[antecedent]['count'] += 1 self.G.add_edge(antecedent, pro['name'], weight=1, label="共参照候補", type="coref") # Add antecedent to corefDict self.corefDict.add(antecedent) def _rresolve(self, pos, NE, invalid_antecedents=None): """Recursively resolve to previous position.""" if pos == -1: return "" else: if pos in self.posEntityList[NE]: if invalid_antecedents: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[NE][pos][::-1]): if x not in invalid_antecedents: return x return self._rresolve(pos - 1, NE, invalid_antecedents) else: return self.posEntityList[NE][pos][-1] else: return self._rresolve(pos - 1, NE, invalid_antecedents) def _wvResolve(self, proname, flatEntityList): """Resolve using word vector similarities.""" ret = "" snames = list() svecs = list() sim = 0. for key in self.G.successors(proname): name = preprocessText(key) if name in self.wv: snames.append(name) svecs.append(self.wv[name]) for key2 in self.G.successors(key): name = preprocessText(key2) if name in self.wv: snames.append(name) svecs.append(self.wv[name]) if len(svecs) > 0: for item in flatEntityList: rawitem = preprocessText(item) if rawitem not in snames and rawitem in self.wv: score = harmonicSim(svecs, self.wv[rawitem]) if sim < score: sim = score ret = item if sim > 0.7: return ret else: return "" else: return "" @staticmethod def _addMP_ja_d(pos, inp): """Static version of add for DSG parsing in Japanese.""" core = DependencyCoreJa() core.add(inp, pos) return core.G, core.entityList, core.proList @staticmethod def _addMP_ja_k(pos, inp, autosub=False): """Static version of add for KSG parsing in Japanese.""" core = KnowledgeCoreJa(autosub=autosub) core.add(inp, pos) return core.G, core.entityList, core.proList
Module variables
var NEList
class parser
The general parser for naruhodo.
class parser(object): """The general parser for naruhodo.""" def __init__(self, lang="ja", gtype="k", mp=False, nproc=0, wv="", coref=False, synonym=False, autosub=False): """Constructor.""" self.G = nx.DiGraph() """ Graph object of the parser. It is actually a networkx directed graph object(DiGraph), so you can apply all operations available to DiGraph object using networkx. """ self.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] """ List of entities appeared during this analysis. """ self.proList = list() """ List of pronouns appeared during this analysis. """ self.pos = 0 """ Position of sentences added to the parser. """ self.lang = lang """ Chosen language of the parser. ============================== 'ja': Japanese 'en': English(WIP) """ self.gtype = gtype """ Chosen graph type of the parser. ================================ 'd': dependency structure graph(DSG) 'k': knowledge structure graph(KSG) """ = mp """ Use multiprocessing or not for parsing. """ self.coref = coref """ If set to True, automatically resolve coreferences after adding contexts. """ self.synonym = synonym """ If set to True, automatically resolve synonyms after adding contexts. """ self.autosub = autosub """ If set to True, automatically link potential subject to none-subject predicates in the same sentence. """ self.corefDict = set() """ A set that contains all possible antecedents of pronoun coreferences. """ self.coref_1stPerson = set() self.coref_3rdPersonM = set() self.coref_3rdPersonF = set() """ Sets of individual coref types. Used for distinguishing existing antecedents. """ self.synonymDict = set() """ A set that contains all roots(the shortest) of synonyms. """ self._setCore() if mp: if nproc == 0: self.pool = Pool() else: self.pool = Pool(processes=nproc) # load word vectors self.wv = None """ The word vector dictionary loaded from external model files. """ if wv != "": try: from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec self.wv = Word2Vec.load(wv).wv print("Successfully loaded word vectors from given file: {0}.".format(wv)) except ImportError: print("Failed to import gensim, please install it before trying to use word vector related functionalities.") def change(self, lang, gtype): """Change the language and type of the parser.""" self.lang = lang self.gtype = gtype self._setCore() def _setCore(self): """Set the core of the parser to chosen languange ang gtype.""" if self.lang == "ja": if self.gtype == "d": self.core = DependencyCoreJa() elif self.gtype == "k": self.core = KnowledgeCoreJa(autosub=self.autosub) else: raise ValueError("Unknown graph type: {0}".format(self.gtype)) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported language: {0}".format(self.lang)) def _grabTextFromUrls(self, urls): """Parse given url(or a list of urls) and return the text content of the it.""" # Handle the single url case. if isinstance(urls, str): urls = [urls] # Initialize scraper. scpr = NScraper() ret = list() # loop through urls to extract text. for url in urls: text = scpr.getUrlContent(url) for block in text: for line in block.splitlines(): ret = list(itertools.chain(ret, parseToSents(line))) return ret def reset(self): """Reset the content of generated graph to empty.""" self.G.clear() self.pos = 0 self.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] self.posEntityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] self.proList = list() self.corefDict = set() self.synonymDict = set() def exportObj(self): """Export graph to a JSON-like object for external visualization.""" return exportToJsonObj(self.G) def exportJSON(self, filename): """Export current graph to a JSON file on disk.""" exportToJsonFile(self.G, filename) def _path2Graph(self, path): """ Generate a subgraph from the given path. """ G = nx.DiGraph() for i in range(len(path)): if self.G.has_node(path[i]): G.add_node(path[i], **self.G.nodes[path[i]]) # Add given edges try: G.add_node(path[i+1], **self.G.nodes[path[i]]) G.add_edge(path[i], path[i+1], **self.G.edges[path[i], path[i+1]]) except: pass # Add predecessors and successors(KSG only) if self.gtype != "k": continue for pred in self.G.predecessors(path[i]): if self.G.edges[pred, path[i]]['type'] in ['sub', 'aux', 'cause']: G.add_node(pred, **self.G.nodes[pred]) G.add_edge(pred, path[i], **self.G.edges[pred, path[i]]) for succ in self.G.successors(path[i]): if self.G.edges[path[i], succ]['type'] in ['obj', 'stat', 'attr']: G.add_node(succ, **self.G.nodes[succ]) G.add_edge(path[i], succ, **self.G.edges[path[i], succ]) else: print("'{0}' is not in generated graph!".format(path[i])) return G @staticmethod def _graph2Text(G): """ Convert given semantic graph back to texts. """ # Get distribution of sent positions in the graph as a dict. pdict = dict() for node in G.nodes: for pos in G.nodes[node]['pos']: try: pdict[pos] += 1 except KeyError: pdict[pos] = 1 # Sort dpos and get rid of sent positions that appeared only once. plist = sorted([pos for pos in pdict.keys() if pdict[pos] > 1]) tdict = dict() # Get texts based on sent positions. for node in G.nodes: for i in range(len(G.nodes[node]['pos'])): if G.nodes[node]['pos'][i] in plist: try: tdict[G.nodes[node]['pos'][i]].append((G.nodes[node]['lpos'][i], G.nodes[node]['surface'][i])) except KeyError: tdict[G.nodes[node]['pos'][i]] = [(G.nodes[node]['lpos'][i], G.nodes[node]['surface'][i])] # Generate text based on local positions. ret = list() for key, val in tdict.items(): raw = sorted(val, key=lambda x:x[0]) ret.append([key, "".join([item[1] for item in raw])]) return sorted(ret, key=lambda x:x[0]) def toText(self, path=None): """ If path is given, generate texts from the given path. Otherwise, generate texts using the entire graph. """ if path: return self._graph2Text(self._path2Graph(path)) else: return self._graph2Text(self.G) def show(self, path=None, depth=False, rankdir='TB'): """ If given a path, plot the subgraph generated from path. Otherwise, plot the entire graph. """ # Sanity check for depth if depth and self.gtype != "d": print("Only dependency structure graph can be plotted with depth!") return if path: return show(self._path2Graph(path), depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir) else: return show(self.G, depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir) def plotToFile(self, path=None, filename=None, depth=False, rankdir='TB'): """ If given a path, plot the subgraph generated from path to (png) file with given filename. Otherwise, plot the entire graph to (png) file with given filename. """ if path: return plotToFile(self._path2Graph(path), filename, depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir) else: return plotToFile(self.G, filename, depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir) def addUrls(self, urls): """Add the information from given urls to KSG.""" context = self._grabTextFromUrls(urls) self.addAll(context) return [preprocessText(item) for item in context] def add(self, inp): """Add a sentence to graph.""" inp = preprocessText(inp) if inp == "": return [inp] self.core.add(inp, self.pos) self.pos += 1 self.G = _mergeGraph(self.G, self.core.G) self.core.G.clear() self.entityList = _mergeEntityList(self.entityList, self.core.entityList) self.core.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] self.proList = _mergeProList(self.proList, self.core.proList) self.core.proList = list() flatEntityList = None if self.synonym: flatEntityList = self.resolveSynonym() if self.coref: self.resolveCoref(flatEntityList) return [inp] def addAll(self, inps): """Add a list of sentences at once.""" if self._addAllMP(inps) else: self._addAllSP(inps) flatEntityList = None if self.synonym: flatEntityList = self.resolveSynonym() if self.coref: self.resolveCoref(flatEntityList) def _addAllSP(self, inps): """Standard implementation of addAll function.""" for inp in inps: self.add(inp) # inp = preprocessText(inp) # if inp == "": # continue # self.core.add(inp, self.pos) # self.pos += 1 # self.G = _mergeGraph(self.G, self.core.G) # self.core.G.clear() # self.entityList = _mergeEntityList(self.entityList, self.core.entityList) # self.core.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] # self.proList = _mergeProList(self.proList, self.core.proList) # self.core.proList = list() def _addAllMP(self, inps): """Parallel implementation of addAll function.""" if self.lang == "ja": if self.gtype == "d": inps = [[self.pos + x, preprocessText(inps[x])] for x in range(len(inps))] results = self.pool.starmap(self._addMP_ja_d, inps) elif self.gtype == "k": inps = [[self.pos + x, preprocessText(inps[x]), self.autosub] for x in range(len(inps))] results = self.pool.starmap(self._addMP_ja_k, inps) else: raise ValueError("Unknown graph type: {0}".format(self.gtype)) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported language: {0}".format(self.lang)) self.pos += len(inps) final = self._reduce(results) self.G = _mergeGraph(self.G, final[0]) self.entityList = _mergeEntityList(self.entityList, final[1]) self.proList = _mergeProList(self.proList, final[2]) def _reduce(self, results): """Reduce the results from multiprocessing to final result.""" args = list() if len(results) == 1: return results[0] if len(results) == 2: return _mergeAll(*results) elif len(results) % 2 == 0: for i in range(int(len(results) / 2)): args.append([results[i * 2], results[i * 2 + 1]]) ret = self.pool.starmap(_mergeAll, args) return self._reduce(ret) else: for i in range(int((len(results) - 1) / 2)): args.append([results[i * 2], results[i * 2 + 1]]) ret = self.pool.starmap(_mergeAll, args) ret.append(results[-1]) return self._reduce(ret) def resolveSynonym(self): """Resolve synonyms in the given text.""" # initialize a graph of synonym GS = nx.Graph() # Get flatten entity list flatEntityList = list() # Add person and organization to flatEntityList for i in [1, 3]: for key in self.entityList[i].keys(): flatEntityList.append(key) # Find syntatic synonyms for i in range(len(flatEntityList)): for j in range(i + 1, len(flatEntityList)): A = preprocessText(flatEntityList[i]) B = preprocessText(flatEntityList[j]) inc = inclusive(A, B) if not self.wv: sim = 1. print("Word vector model is not set correctly. Skipping part of coreference resolution.") else: if A in self.wv and B in self.wv: sim = cosSimilarity(self.wv[A], self.wv[B]) else: sim = 1. if inc == 1 and sim > 0.5: # self.G.nodes[flatEntityList[i]]['count'] += 1 GS.add_edge(flatEntityList[i], flatEntityList[j]) self.G.add_edge(flatEntityList[i], flatEntityList[j], weight=1, label="同義語候補", type="synonym") elif inc == -1 and sim > 0.5: # self.G.nodes[flatEntityList[j]]['count'] += 1 GS.add_edge(flatEntityList[i], flatEntityList[j]) self.G.add_edge(flatEntityList[j], flatEntityList[i], weight=1, label="同義語候補", type="synonym") # Process GS for subG in nx.connected_components(GS): lshort = 10000 nshort = "" for node in subG: if lshort > len(node): lshort = len(node) nshort = node self.synonymDict.add(nshort) for node in subG: self.G.nodes[node]['synonym'] = nshort return flatEntityList def resolveCoref(self, flatEntityList=None): """Resolve coreferences in the given text.""" # Get position-based entity list self.posEntityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] for i in range(len(NEList)): for key, val in self.entityList[i].items(): for pos in val: if pos in self.posEntityList[i]: self.posEntityList[i][pos].append(key) else: self.posEntityList[i][pos] = list([key]) # Resolve geolocations/persons while self.proList: pro = self.proList.pop(0) antecedent = "" if pro['type'] == 0: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 2) elif pro['type'] == 2: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 1, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "": antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 5, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[1]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[1][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[5]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[5][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent != "": self.coref_1stPerson.add(antecedent) elif pro['type'] == 4: if pro['name'] in ['彼女']: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 1, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "": antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 5, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[1]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[1][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[5]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[5][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent != "": self.coref_3rdPersonF.add(antecedent) else: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 1, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF)) if antecedent == "": antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 5, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF)) if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[1]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[1][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF): antecedent = x if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[5]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[5][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF): antecedent = x if antecedent != "": self.coref_3rdPersonM.add(antecedent) elif pro['type'] == 7: if not self.wv or not flatEntityList: print("Word vector model is not set correctly or entity list is empty. Skipping part of coreference resolution.") continue else: antecedent = self._wvResolve(pro['name'], flatEntityList) else: continue # Process antecedent if antecedent != "": self.G.nodes[antecedent]['count'] += 1 self.G.add_edge(antecedent, pro['name'], weight=1, label="共参照候補", type="coref") else: # Add unknown coref antecedent = "未知の主体" if not self.G.has_node(antecedent): self.G.add_node(antecedent, count = 1, func = "(未知)", type = 0, label = antecedent, pro = -1, NE = 0, pos = [self.pos - 1], surface = [antecedent], sub = "", meaning = "") else: self.G.nodes[antecedent]['count'] += 1 self.G.add_edge(antecedent, pro['name'], weight=1, label="共参照候補", type="coref") # Add antecedent to corefDict self.corefDict.add(antecedent) def _rresolve(self, pos, NE, invalid_antecedents=None): """Recursively resolve to previous position.""" if pos == -1: return "" else: if pos in self.posEntityList[NE]: if invalid_antecedents: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[NE][pos][::-1]): if x not in invalid_antecedents: return x return self._rresolve(pos - 1, NE, invalid_antecedents) else: return self.posEntityList[NE][pos][-1] else: return self._rresolve(pos - 1, NE, invalid_antecedents) def _wvResolve(self, proname, flatEntityList): """Resolve using word vector similarities.""" ret = "" snames = list() svecs = list() sim = 0. for key in self.G.successors(proname): name = preprocessText(key) if name in self.wv: snames.append(name) svecs.append(self.wv[name]) for key2 in self.G.successors(key): name = preprocessText(key2) if name in self.wv: snames.append(name) svecs.append(self.wv[name]) if len(svecs) > 0: for item in flatEntityList: rawitem = preprocessText(item) if rawitem not in snames and rawitem in self.wv: score = harmonicSim(svecs, self.wv[rawitem]) if sim < score: sim = score ret = item if sim > 0.7: return ret else: return "" else: return "" @staticmethod def _addMP_ja_d(pos, inp): """Static version of add for DSG parsing in Japanese.""" core = DependencyCoreJa() core.add(inp, pos) return core.G, core.entityList, core.proList @staticmethod def _addMP_ja_k(pos, inp, autosub=False): """Static version of add for KSG parsing in Japanese.""" core = KnowledgeCoreJa(autosub=autosub) core.add(inp, pos) return core.G, core.entityList, core.proList
Ancestors (in MRO)
- parser
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, lang='ja', gtype='k', mp=False, nproc=0, wv='', coref=False, synonym=False, autosub=False)
def __init__(self, lang="ja", gtype="k", mp=False, nproc=0, wv="", coref=False, synonym=False, autosub=False): """Constructor.""" self.G = nx.DiGraph() """ Graph object of the parser. It is actually a networkx directed graph object(DiGraph), so you can apply all operations available to DiGraph object using networkx. """ self.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] """ List of entities appeared during this analysis. """ self.proList = list() """ List of pronouns appeared during this analysis. """ self.pos = 0 """ Position of sentences added to the parser. """ self.lang = lang """ Chosen language of the parser. ============================== 'ja': Japanese 'en': English(WIP) """ self.gtype = gtype """ Chosen graph type of the parser. ================================ 'd': dependency structure graph(DSG) 'k': knowledge structure graph(KSG) """ = mp """ Use multiprocessing or not for parsing. """ self.coref = coref """ If set to True, automatically resolve coreferences after adding contexts. """ self.synonym = synonym """ If set to True, automatically resolve synonyms after adding contexts. """ self.autosub = autosub """ If set to True, automatically link potential subject to none-subject predicates in the same sentence. """ self.corefDict = set() """ A set that contains all possible antecedents of pronoun coreferences. """ self.coref_1stPerson = set() self.coref_3rdPersonM = set() self.coref_3rdPersonF = set() """ Sets of individual coref types. Used for distinguishing existing antecedents. """ self.synonymDict = set() """ A set that contains all roots(the shortest) of synonyms. """ self._setCore() if mp: if nproc == 0: self.pool = Pool() else: self.pool = Pool(processes=nproc) # load word vectors self.wv = None """ The word vector dictionary loaded from external model files. """ if wv != "": try: from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec self.wv = Word2Vec.load(wv).wv print("Successfully loaded word vectors from given file: {0}.".format(wv)) except ImportError: print("Failed to import gensim, please install it before trying to use word vector related functionalities.")
def add(
self, inp)
Add a sentence to graph.
def add(self, inp): """Add a sentence to graph.""" inp = preprocessText(inp) if inp == "": return [inp] self.core.add(inp, self.pos) self.pos += 1 self.G = _mergeGraph(self.G, self.core.G) self.core.G.clear() self.entityList = _mergeEntityList(self.entityList, self.core.entityList) self.core.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] self.proList = _mergeProList(self.proList, self.core.proList) self.core.proList = list() flatEntityList = None if self.synonym: flatEntityList = self.resolveSynonym() if self.coref: self.resolveCoref(flatEntityList) return [inp]
def addAll(
self, inps)
Add a list of sentences at once.
def addAll(self, inps): """Add a list of sentences at once.""" if self._addAllMP(inps) else: self._addAllSP(inps) flatEntityList = None if self.synonym: flatEntityList = self.resolveSynonym() if self.coref: self.resolveCoref(flatEntityList)
def addUrls(
self, urls)
Add the information from given urls to KSG.
def addUrls(self, urls): """Add the information from given urls to KSG.""" context = self._grabTextFromUrls(urls) self.addAll(context) return [preprocessText(item) for item in context]
def change(
self, lang, gtype)
Change the language and type of the parser.
def change(self, lang, gtype): """Change the language and type of the parser.""" self.lang = lang self.gtype = gtype self._setCore()
def exportJSON(
self, filename)
Export current graph to a JSON file on disk.
def exportJSON(self, filename): """Export current graph to a JSON file on disk.""" exportToJsonFile(self.G, filename)
def exportObj(
Export graph to a JSON-like object for external visualization.
def exportObj(self): """Export graph to a JSON-like object for external visualization.""" return exportToJsonObj(self.G)
def plotToFile(
self, path=None, filename=None, depth=False, rankdir='TB')
If given a path, plot the subgraph generated from path to (png) file with given filename. Otherwise, plot the entire graph to (png) file with given filename.
def plotToFile(self, path=None, filename=None, depth=False, rankdir='TB'): """ If given a path, plot the subgraph generated from path to (png) file with given filename. Otherwise, plot the entire graph to (png) file with given filename. """ if path: return plotToFile(self._path2Graph(path), filename, depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir) else: return plotToFile(self.G, filename, depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir)
def reset(
Reset the content of generated graph to empty.
def reset(self): """Reset the content of generated graph to empty.""" self.G.clear() self.pos = 0 self.entityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] self.posEntityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] self.proList = list() self.corefDict = set() self.synonymDict = set()
def resolveCoref(
self, flatEntityList=None)
Resolve coreferences in the given text.
def resolveCoref(self, flatEntityList=None): """Resolve coreferences in the given text.""" # Get position-based entity list self.posEntityList = [dict() for x in range(len(NEList))] for i in range(len(NEList)): for key, val in self.entityList[i].items(): for pos in val: if pos in self.posEntityList[i]: self.posEntityList[i][pos].append(key) else: self.posEntityList[i][pos] = list([key]) # Resolve geolocations/persons while self.proList: pro = self.proList.pop(0) antecedent = "" if pro['type'] == 0: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 2) elif pro['type'] == 2: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 1, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "": antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 5, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[1]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[1][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[5]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[5][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_3rdPersonF.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent != "": self.coref_1stPerson.add(antecedent) elif pro['type'] == 4: if pro['name'] in ['彼女']: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 1, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "": antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 5, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM)) if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[1]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[1][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[5]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[5][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonM): antecedent = x if antecedent != "": self.coref_3rdPersonF.add(antecedent) else: antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 1, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF)) if antecedent == "": antecedent = self._rresolve(pro['pos'] - 1, 5, invalid_antecedents=self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF)) if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[1]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[1][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF): antecedent = x if antecedent == "" and pro['pos'] in self.posEntityList[5]: for i, x in enumerate(self.posEntityList[5][pro['pos']]): if x not in self.coref_1stPerson.union(self.coref_3rdPersonF): antecedent = x if antecedent != "": self.coref_3rdPersonM.add(antecedent) elif pro['type'] == 7: if not self.wv or not flatEntityList: print("Word vector model is not set correctly or entity list is empty. Skipping part of coreference resolution.") continue else: antecedent = self._wvResolve(pro['name'], flatEntityList) else: continue # Process antecedent if antecedent != "": self.G.nodes[antecedent]['count'] += 1 self.G.add_edge(antecedent, pro['name'], weight=1, label="共参照候補", type="coref") else: # Add unknown coref antecedent = "未知の主体" if not self.G.has_node(antecedent): self.G.add_node(antecedent, count = 1, func = "(未知)", type = 0, label = antecedent, pro = -1, NE = 0, pos = [self.pos - 1], surface = [antecedent], sub = "", meaning = "") else: self.G.nodes[antecedent]['count'] += 1 self.G.add_edge(antecedent, pro['name'], weight=1, label="共参照候補", type="coref") # Add antecedent to corefDict self.corefDict.add(antecedent)
def resolveSynonym(
Resolve synonyms in the given text.
def resolveSynonym(self): """Resolve synonyms in the given text.""" # initialize a graph of synonym GS = nx.Graph() # Get flatten entity list flatEntityList = list() # Add person and organization to flatEntityList for i in [1, 3]: for key in self.entityList[i].keys(): flatEntityList.append(key) # Find syntatic synonyms for i in range(len(flatEntityList)): for j in range(i + 1, len(flatEntityList)): A = preprocessText(flatEntityList[i]) B = preprocessText(flatEntityList[j]) inc = inclusive(A, B) if not self.wv: sim = 1. print("Word vector model is not set correctly. Skipping part of coreference resolution.") else: if A in self.wv and B in self.wv: sim = cosSimilarity(self.wv[A], self.wv[B]) else: sim = 1. if inc == 1 and sim > 0.5: # self.G.nodes[flatEntityList[i]]['count'] += 1 GS.add_edge(flatEntityList[i], flatEntityList[j]) self.G.add_edge(flatEntityList[i], flatEntityList[j], weight=1, label="同義語候補", type="synonym") elif inc == -1 and sim > 0.5: # self.G.nodes[flatEntityList[j]]['count'] += 1 GS.add_edge(flatEntityList[i], flatEntityList[j]) self.G.add_edge(flatEntityList[j], flatEntityList[i], weight=1, label="同義語候補", type="synonym") # Process GS for subG in nx.connected_components(GS): lshort = 10000 nshort = "" for node in subG: if lshort > len(node): lshort = len(node) nshort = node self.synonymDict.add(nshort) for node in subG: self.G.nodes[node]['synonym'] = nshort return flatEntityList
def show(
self, path=None, depth=False, rankdir='TB')
If given a path, plot the subgraph generated from path. Otherwise, plot the entire graph.
def show(self, path=None, depth=False, rankdir='TB'): """ If given a path, plot the subgraph generated from path. Otherwise, plot the entire graph. """ # Sanity check for depth if depth and self.gtype != "d": print("Only dependency structure graph can be plotted with depth!") return if path: return show(self._path2Graph(path), depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir) else: return show(self.G, depth=depth, rankdir=rankdir)
def toText(
self, path=None)
If path is given, generate texts from the given path. Otherwise, generate texts using the entire graph.
def toText(self, path=None): """ If path is given, generate texts from the given path. Otherwise, generate texts using the entire graph. """ if path: return self._graph2Text(self._path2Graph(path)) else: return self._graph2Text(self.G)
Instance variables
var G
Graph object of the parser. It is actually a networkx directed graph object(DiGraph), so you can apply all operations available to DiGraph object using networkx.
var autosub
If set to True, automatically link potential subject to none-subject predicates in the same sentence.
var coref
If set to True, automatically resolve coreferences after adding contexts.
var corefDict
A set that contains all possible antecedents of pronoun coreferences.
var coref_1stPerson
var coref_3rdPersonF
Sets of individual coref types. Used for distinguishing existing antecedents.
var coref_3rdPersonM
var entityList
List of entities appeared during this analysis.
var gtype
Chosen graph type of the parser.
'd': dependency structure graph(DSG) 'k': knowledge structure graph(KSG)
var lang
Chosen language of the parser.
'ja': Japanese 'en': English(WIP)
var mp
Use multiprocessing or not for parsing.
var pos
Position of sentences added to the parser.
var proList
List of pronouns appeared during this analysis.
var synonym
If set to True, automatically resolve synonyms after adding contexts.
var synonymDict
A set that contains all roots(the shortest) of synonyms.
var wv
The word vector dictionary loaded from external model files.