naruhodo.utils.dicts module
This module contains various dicts used in naruhodo.
""" This module contains various dicts used in naruhodo. """ ProDict = { 'demonstrative-loc': ["ここ", "そこ", "あそこ", "こっち", "そっち", "あっち", "こちら", "そちら", "あちら"], 'demonstrative-obj': ["これ", "それ", "あれ", "そう", "こう", "こんな", "そんな", "あんな"], 'personal1st': ["私", "わたし", "俺", "おれ", "オレ", "僕", "ぼく", "僕ら", "ぼくら", "ボク", "我", "ワレ", "妾", "我ら", "我々", "わし", "儂"], 'personal2nd': ["君", "きみ", "キミ", "あなた", "貴方", "お前"], 'personal3rd': ["やつ", "奴", "彼", "彼女", "こいつ", "そいつ", "あいつ", "同氏", "先生"], 'indefinite': ["どこ", "どれ", "どっち", "どなた", "どちら"], 'inclusive': ["皆", "みんな", "みな"], 'omitted': ["省略される主語"] } """ Pronoun identification dictionary. """ TypeList = ['名詞', '形容詞', '動詞', '接続詞', '感動詞', '副詞', '連体詞', '接頭詞'] """ Dict of word types. """ NEList = ['NONE', 'PERSON', 'LOCATION', 'ORGANIZATION', 'NUMBER', 'GENERAL'] """ Dict of named entity types. """ NodeType2StyleDict = { -1: 'underline', 0: 'square', 1: 'Mdiamond', 2: 'doublecircle', 3: 'parallelogram', 4: 'pentagon', 5: 'box', 6: 'circle' } """ Dict to convert the node type to node style for visualization in notebook. """ NodeType2ColorDict = { -1: '#ffffff', 0: '#ffffff', 1: '#e5ffaa', 2: '#000000', 3: '#dcc4ff', 4: '#90889b', 5: '#a3a8b7', 6: '#d0d4e0' } """ Dict to convert the node type to node color for visualization in notebook. """ NodeType2FontColorDict = { -1: '#000000', 0: '#000000', 1: '#000000', 2: '#ffffff', 3: '#000000', 4: '#000000', 5: '#000000', 6: '#000000' } """ Dict to convert the node type to node font color for visualization in notebook. """ EdgeType2StyleDict = { "none": "solid", "sub": "solid", "autosub": "solid", "obj": "dashed", "aux": "dotted", "cause": "dotted", "coref": "solid", "synonym": "solid", "para": "solid", "attr": "dotted", "stat": "solid" } """ Dict to convert the edge type to edge style. """ EdgeType2ColorDict = { "none": "#000000", "sub": "#000000", "autosub": "#aaaaaa", "obj": "#000000", "aux": "#ff7777", "cause": "#91027e", "coref": "#3582ff", "synonym": "#00ffb6", "para": "#207272", "attr": "#7738ff", "stat": "#66aaee" } """ Dict to convert the edge type to edge color. """ MeaninglessDict = set([ "前", "後", "こと", "事", "もの", "物", "者", "ため", "爲", "為", "為め", "爲め", "意", "上", "うえ", "中", "なか", "下", "した", "なる", "成る", "ある", "よる", "する", "ない", "無い", "から", "だから", "場合", "とき", "時", "程度", "逆", "いう", "問題", "もんだい", "内容", "ないよう", "範囲", "やつ", "くる", "来る", "ところ", "所" ]) """ Dict that contains meaningless entities that has to be integrated with its child properties to remain meaningful in the graph. """ VerbLikeFuncDict = set([ "する", "し", "ている" ]) """ Dict that contains verb-like functional words. """ VerbLikeExclude = set([ "として" ]) """ Dict that contains verb-like functional words exceptions. """ SubDict = set([ "は", "では", "などは", "というのは", "というのが", "は、", "などは、", "というのは、", "というのが、" ]) """ Dict that contains functional words of subjects. """ ObjDict = set([ "を", ]) """ Dict that contains functional words of objects. """ ObjPostDict = set([ # "へ", "に", ]) """ Dict that contains functional words that can be objects. """ ObjPassiveSubDict = set([ "と", "ないと", "とは" ]) """ Dict that contains functional words that can be objects for normal verbs and subjects for passive verbs. """ SubPassiveObjDict = set([ "が", "などが", "も" ]) """ Dict that contains functional words that can be objects for normal verbs and subjects for passive verbs. """ EntityTypeDict = set([0, 2]) """ Dict of node types that can be potential entities. """ ParallelDict = set([ "や", "やら", "も", "、", "・", "|" ]) """ Dict that contains functional words that can be objects. """ StrongAuxDict = set([ "すごい", "凄い", "最も", "もっとも", "かなり", "非常に", "特に", "とっても", "とても" ]) WeakAuxDict = set([ "ちょっと", "少し", "すこし", "かすかに", "微かに", "微妙に" ])
Module variables
var EdgeType2ColorDict
Dict to convert the edge type to edge color.
var EdgeType2StyleDict
Dict to convert the edge type to edge style.
var EntityTypeDict
Dict of node types that can be potential entities.
var MeaninglessDict
Dict that contains meaningless entities that has to be integrated with its child properties to remain meaningful in the graph.
var NEList
Dict of named entity types.
var NodeType2ColorDict
Dict to convert the node type to node color for visualization in notebook.
var NodeType2FontColorDict
Dict to convert the node type to node font color for visualization in notebook.
var NodeType2StyleDict
Dict to convert the node type to node style for visualization in notebook.
var ObjDict
Dict that contains functional words of objects.
var ObjPassiveSubDict
Dict that contains functional words that can be objects for normal verbs and subjects for passive verbs.
var ObjPostDict
Dict that contains functional words that can be objects.
var ParallelDict
Dict that contains functional words that can be objects.
var ProDict
Pronoun identification dictionary.
var StrongAuxDict
var SubDict
Dict that contains functional words of subjects.
var SubPassiveObjDict
Dict that contains functional words that can be objects for normal verbs and subjects for passive verbs.
var TypeList
Dict of word types.
var VerbLikeExclude
Dict that contains verb-like functional words exceptions.
var VerbLikeFuncDict
Dict that contains verb-like functional words.
var WeakAuxDict